Search Engine Optimization

Gatistavam Softech has managed to put their intelligence into work and utilized the technology that has helped many of our customers drive millions of visitors to their websites through organic search results. We have got specialized practices in place in order to attract quality traffic through popular search engines following ethical and cost-effective means. We can help improving the number and position of a website for a wide variety of relevant keywords.Our effectiveness in executing SEO practices comes from a series of analytical researches covering analysis of keywords, study of competitor, user interaction, search provider algorithms, etc. Our expertise in SEO improves ROI and makes it a success.

Our SEO techniques cover

Website Structure Analysis
Website Pages & Design Optimization
Keyword Analysis
Navigation Structure & Sitemap creation
Content Placement
Search Engine Friendliness
W3C validations
HTML Code Optimization
Robots File Creation

Our SEO follows phases as below

Apart from this, we also help to gain better ranking of website through many other techniques. We also serve complete website promotion services all over globe. It includes Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Services, Paid Placement Programs, Pay-per-click advertising, Social Media Marketing Services, and Search Engine Reputation Management Services.

Phases 1 : Website Analysis Process


We download all your web pages (HTML files and images only), then our SEO specialists manually fine tune and optimize all the HTML codes [provided they are HTML based. Incase they are in any of the scripting language then the suggestion are sent to client] and make them more search engine-friendly. The entire process is manually implemented by our SEO Engineers.
Please note : We do not use any type of Automated Submission, Promotion, or Optimization software.

We Offer :

Your website structure will be fixed for maximum visibility.
Your site will be free from spam codes. we remove all the illegal codes or HTML techniques that are considered to be spam we also remove the unnecessary code which increase the size of the page.
While doing optimization of the page we will remove unnecessary javascript from the page as a crawler don’t like the javascript this way the page size will also get reduced, instead of internal javascript will make the one js file and put all the code in it.
Your site will load fast, as we optimize your HTML tags and remove unwanted javascript.
We manually fine tune each and every web page and remove dead links or broken links, empty white space, and broken images, as well as fix other HTML errors.
Your site will have industry standard navigation structure ( Text and Image navigation). [Note : We will make the static sitemap for the website if the existing sitemap is not crawled by crawlers]
We implement text navigation by default for faster crawling. Text navigation helps search engine crawlers and spiders to crawl and index all your web pages through which we can show each and every page to crawlers.

Competition Analysis :

Our SEO Engineers will visit your competitors’ websites after seeing your keyword, analyze them, and note their positive and negative points. During this process, we will get a complete, clear picture of the exact type of promotion or optimization process that would work for your business which helps to get good rank against them.

Our SEO Engineers shall plan a proper strategy which will help your website to maximize its performance in search engines. Please note that our process and strategy will vary from one industry to another depending upon the nature of your business and the competition of the keyword on which you are looking for.

Keyword Analysis :

The selection of proper keywords/keyword key phrases is very important for your success in SEO. Once we receive the keyword from client our SEO Engineers will analyze the keyword looking at the competition of your keyword and will also suggest some keyword. The Detail Keyword report will be mailed to the customer for verification. Once the Keywords are finalized, we use them in our optimization process for better results.

Link Popularity Analysis :

This process involves researching your competition and collecting the necessary Link Popularity information, like number of sites pointing to them, the nature of websites linking them, relevancy of sites linking, etc. We will send you a brief report about link popularity required for your website in order to secure top ranking.

Phases 2 : Website Optimization Process

Our SEO specialists invest a lot of effort and their in-depth expertise in optimizing your site manually. Unlike other SEO companies, we do not use any automated software, scripts, or programs, because software does not understand your needs, market, and competition

Phases 3 : Website Promotion Process

The Website Promotion Process is a very important part of any SEO campaign. We store your website information (URL, Title, Description, Contact details) for the Submission Process.

You get following types of Submission :

We submit the website to all the major search engine like Google, Bing, Yahoo, Ask and MSN
Manual Submission to the major search engines directories with related industries

Manual Submission will be done at regular intervals. Our submission department will mail you Submission reports at regular intervals.

Phases 4 : Ongoing Link Popularity Process

We offer a Link Popularity service that doesn’t use any form of Spam and follows the guidelines set by the search engines. One of the most difficult areas of Search Engine Optimization is building link popularity. We provide quality one-way links to webmasters every day and the effects can be clearly seen. We do not use any type of useless software or temporary gimmicks.

Hand-tailored Link Popularity Campaign :

Link Setup
Start- up of link directory with customized link directory pages.
5 to 7 targeted categories.
Manually Collecting Quality targeted link partners
Uploading of Links page & links directory on your website
Link directory will be maintained & fine tuned at regular intervals.
Reports of Link Partners & their statuses delivered at every month’s end.
Guaranteed improvement in Page Rank on Google.
Boosts your ranking in search engines
Links list updated at regular intervals; new potential link partners contacted.
Customization of link directory to match your site’s looks.
Phases 5 : Reporting & Fine Tuning

Here in this phase after completing above 4 step our site will start improving in search engines, we have to monitor and compare with the rankings of the website which was there before project start up, comparing the report which we have sent Step 1 we can analyze the rankings and then we can start working on exact keyword.

We will make a report for each keyword with a targeted search engine. Based on that report we can plan the further action to get the ranking on desired keyword. After analyzing all the keywords we need to tune the code and also need to make some changes in the site to get ranking on desired keyword.

Phases 6 : Site Monitring

Once we promote the site and done with all the necessary changes, optimization and submission to all search engines, after defined time in project start-up doc will start monitor the web presence in Search Engine and will send the report to the Client.

We will check your website for broken links and missing files and images if added by you after completing the optimization process.
We check & fix broken links, broken images
We will check your ranking in the search engines each month as mentioned in the project start up doc. We will let you know where your site scores in each keyword so you can keep track your progress in getting listed, and if needed will re-optimize or will add the door way pages in the website for higher ranking.

Important Note :

We do not use any Promotion Software, Programs, or Applications to Optimize or Promote your website.
Our SEO Engineers will manually optimize and hand submit your website to major search engines and directories.
All the Optimization and Promotion work done on your Website will be owned by you.
We always follows Guidelines given by Google for webmasters